Barichara Quick Facts:
Buses to Barichara are frequent, but beware that the last bus back from Barichara is at 5 or 6 pm in the evening. Cost one way per person was COL 3800. When you get off at the Barichara central square, ask the driver when the last bus back is and make sure you get back to the square by then.

- About 40 minutes from San Gil
- One way bus fares cost COP 3800
- Walk around the central plaza and look for the cultural house. Inside they have a big map that you can use to navigate your way around.
- Walk to the park atop the hill for excellent views
Buses to Barichara are frequent, but beware that the last bus back from Barichara is at 5 or 6 pm in the evening. Cost one way per person was COL 3800. When you get off at the Barichara central square, ask the driver when the last bus back is and make sure you get back to the square by then.
Lovely... the artistry on the last picture made me catch my breath - beautiful!